纽约-2023年8月15日,SPAC公司Keen Vision Acquisition Corporation(简称“KVAC”,纳斯达克代码:KVACU)的联合发起人黄嘉俊先生(Kenneth KC Wong)与王干文先生(Jason Wong),携一众公司高管、合作伙伴在纳斯达克交易所敲响了收市钟,以庆祝KVAC近日成功在纳斯达克上市。
New York – August 15, 2023 – Today, the co-sponsors of Keen Vision Acquisition Corporation (KVAC), Mr. Kenneth KC Wong and Mr. Jason Wong, together with KVAC management and esteemed partners, attended the closing bell ceremony at the Nasdaq Stock Exchange to celebrate KVAC’s recent successful listing on Nasdaq.
KVAC’s Nasdaq Bell Ringing Ceremony
At his closing bell speech, Mr. Kenneth KC Wong (Chairman and CEO of KVAC) said, “This is just the beginning of KVAC’s journey, a strategic step towards a bigger cause”. He emphasized that KVAC’s core value lies amongst its team, which was put together with the objective of accumulating all-rounded global experiences critical for a successful de-SPAC. These skills, he added, will empower KVAC to identify a suitable target in a timely manner and transform it into an industry vanguard soon after the de-SPAC.
纳斯达克副主席Robert H. McCooey, Jr.先生与黄嘉俊先生
Vice Chairman of Nasdaq-Mr. Robert H. McCooey, Jr., and Kenneth Wong
KVAC首席财务执行官Alex Davidkhanian先生、黄嘉俊先生和王干文先生
Mr. Alex Davidkhanian (KVAC CFO), Mr. Kenneth Wong, and Mr. Jason Wong
In a reflective tone, Mr. Jason Wong remarked that the bell-ringing ceremony at the Nasdaq Stock Exchange is an important milestone in KVAC’s journey, opening gateways to exceptional enterprises within the global sectors of agriculture, biotechnology, and consumer goods.